The reason for this daisy-shaped path can be seen from the graph of the position of the noise layer, and highlights an interesting and useful property of noise(). Here’s the path that each layer takes first wiggle: wiggle(1, 500) Interestingly the distribution of the wiggle function doesn’t seem even there is a bias towards lower values. If you look at the difference between the noise layer and the wiggle layer you’ll see that wiggle wanders more, where noise keeps returning to the center. The * 500 scales the movement up so that it fills the comp, and to move it to the center I added the layer’s original position to the expression adding the term value. To create interesting movement I slipped the x and y components out of phase (more on that later). The reason why I added 12345 to the time for the y component was that if I’d used noise(time) for both terms, they would have always been the same, meaning the layer would just move along a diagonal line. noise always returns the same result for the same input, so to get it to change over time, I used time as the input. This is why I had to call it twice, once for each component of the position vector. Value + * 500Īccording to the Adobe docs, noise can take a number or an array as its one parameter, but it always returns a number between -1 and 1.